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Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments

These are the current risk assessments for our site. They were prepared and will be reviewed, as necessary, by staff on site and a qualified risk assessor.

The documents will only be amended and reissued if the risks have changed, otherwise the Risk Assessment will remain in use.

Comments on any of these documents are always welcome – please contact us via the website contacts page

RA001 Falling Trees or Limbs

RA002 Site Structures

RA003 Litter Animal Faeces

RA004 Uneven ground thick wet vegetation

RA005 Vegetation Food Gathering

RA006 Wildlife – Risk of infection disease

RA007 Use of hand tools

RA008 Manual handling

RA009 Shelter Building Moving Logs

RA010 Fire

RA011 Food Preparation

RA012 Flint Knapping

RA013 Kiln Building

RA014 Kiln Firing

RA015 Camping on Site

RA021 Working at Height

RA211 Site Tunstall Woods